Thursday, January 04, 2007
October 22, 2006 Teleconference Minutes (English)
A general meeting was convened via teleconference on Sunday, October 22, 2006. National President Henry K. Charyoe chaired the meeting. Opening prayer was offered by Rev. Balla. President Charyoe presented the agenda and with no objections or changes proceeded with the deliberations. The following is a summary of main points discussed:
1. Focus on the development of local chapters and branches as a way to strengthen the national organization.
2. Leadership should visit local chapter at least once a month
3. Have a point person for communication in each chapter – someone who will help receive and distribute communication to most people, everyone may not have access to computers and/or phones.
4. The Leadership considers providing background information about Diompillor: its mission, purpose, leadership composition and a list of the current leadership. This information, it was suggested would help local members and leaders to mobilize other to join the organization. Meanwhile, the body was informed that access to constitution can be found on Diompillor Website – . Members are therefore encouraged to visit the site and make comments.
5. That the leadership considers reviewing and revising the constitution to reflect the inclusion and active participation of Kissie people from
6. That the leadership considers convening a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible to build upon this new energy and sense of commitment to Diompillor.
7. It was announced that 3rd Annual Makona River Union Summit is held in
8. The closing prayer was offered by Pastor Silas Leno.
- Sahr Johnson
- Henry K. Charyoe
- Saah N’Tow
- Prince Kamano
- Faya L. Millimouno
- Philip Balla
- Andre Millimouno
- Badier Millimouno
- Silas Leno
- Madame Balla
- Sahr N’Gekia
- Saah, Montgomery
- Sahr Johnny
- Mariame Kourouma
- Blaise Faya Tenguiano
- Emile Sahr Philip
- Madeleine Balla
- Finda Leno
- Rev. Balla
- Revillon Kamano
- Tamba Kindin
- Finda Foryor
- Souleymane Leno
- Cecilia Tamba
- Lamin
- Hawa