Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Funeral arrangements for the late Mrs. Marie Saah
The funeral is scheduled for February 4th, 2006 and details will be announced later.
Other Information:
General Contribution per member/individual is $100.00 as prescribed by our constitution and by-laws when a member dies.
2. Deputy Paramount Chief Henry H. Hali of Teaneck, New Jersey will be the Chief Coordinator for all the collections. He will also collect from all of our people in the New Jersey Chapter. All chapters, communities, and individuals wishing to join us in our usual community contribution exercise should send there contributions to him with names and amount paid for accountability.
Hon. Hali's #'s; 201-214-3136; 201-833-9079
3. Mr. Gabriel Taylor, Delaware-Pennsylvania Chapter of Diompillor will collect in his communities and forward the amount to Mr. Hali.
Mr. Gabriel Taylor can be reached at: 215-724-3819
4. Mr. Saa Ntow General Secretary and Vice President Fatima Johnny should work with the Vice Chairman of the New England Chapter of Diompillor to conduct the collection in their area. We understand that Chairman Anthony Tamba is in Liberia.
Contact numbers:
Saah N'Tow -- 401-578-6135
Fatima Johnny -- 401-439-6224
5. Mr. Francis N. Batama will collect in the New York Chapter and his number is: 718-448-4579
6. Mr. James Fayiah Williams is designated to conduct the collection in the Washington DC-Metro Area. We are asking for a volunteer to please work with Mr. Williams in performing this task. If you want to volunteer, just call me and I will inform Mr. Williams. His telephone will be verified and sent out shortly.
We are making arrangements in other states for contact persons and as soon we are successful, you will be informed of those individuals.
Again, let us work together and support our brother Milton Saah as we is currently walking through this difficult path.